In February this year I teamed up with Dan Burnett to provide periodic updates on the advancement of WebRTC related standards.
We started providing these updates here on TheNewDialTone but promised we will build a dedicated website for that.
Please welcome
Who needs this website?
Before, product managers and developers had 2 options:
- Spend considerable amount of time to know what work is taking place at W3C and IETF in order to figure out the impact on their application and what should be planned ahead
- Ignore standards altogether and see what comes up in the new version of the various browsers
We decided to offer a third option and provide updates that will give product managers and developers heads up not only on the standards themselves but also a hatch to the discussions at IETF and W3C meetings. Since a consensus is required to get work done at these standard bodies it is important to understand the vibe of the meetings themselves.
Not every change in the standard actually impacts the application and therefore we see it important to provide you with information in a realistic view. is where WebRTC Standards meet the reality.
Examples please
One example of the need to understand what is going on in the standard bodies is the decision to mandate usage of DTLS over SDES. Some applications where using SDES and the shift to DTLS took time. Browsers on the other hand were removing support for SDES.
Another example is the video codec, a lot of discussions were taking place about this. Eventually, what is decided at the IETF regarding the Mandatory To Implement (MTI) video codec will find its way to browsers and impact applications.
Obviously, knowing ahead of time that such changes are about to take place is beneficial.
How do I get these updates?
If you registered before for standards updates your registration was moved to
To make sure you are registered for both sites just enter your details in each of the registration pages. If your email is already on the list, the system will notify you and will not register you twice.
Register for updates from – REGISTER
Register for updates from TheNewDialTone – REGISTER
Is all this for free?
As we stated in our announcement in February, updates will be for free but in the future we will limit some of the information to paying users only.
Please head over to our new website, give us your feedback and share with your friends.
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