SD-WAN is an overlay and therefore has less need for coordination between vendors. Only time will tell to what extent the specifications created by the MEF will be adopted by the industry. The main concern of SPs and enterprises is the closed end-to-end nature of SD-WAN solutions and the vendor lock resulting from it.
WebRTC & SD-WAN Take a Similar Approach to Standards
Standards are made to make things work together but must also be tied to the business interests. Standards can’t force companies or users to accept them, they need to bring value. Many standards failed because they missed this point. SD-WAN standards are still under construction. What’s going to be their focus and fate?
Topic of The Month: Do We Need Standards for WebRTC?
Learning from the SIP standard, implementations by vendors are in many cases diverted from the pure standard to proprietary versions of SIP thus requiring mediation between vendor environments. Which areas of WebRTC should be covered by the standards and which areas should be left for the vendors to decide on? What level of interoperability and compatibility do we want to have?