This is the third WebRTC Standards Update coming to you from Dan Burnett and Amir Zmora.
Dan returned from the IETF meeting held on the week of March 22nd in Dallas. Naturally, there is a lot of information to share. This update will only list a few of the main topics. It will be followed by dedicated posts for each of these topics.
Main WebRTC topics from IETF 92 meeting
How do you notify the browser someone wants to establish a WebRTC session with you? This can be for a browser based phone or any other, more innovative application. This work is about standardizing the push notification process.
If you didn’t have enough with the VP8/H.264 battle here comes something new. New work has begun in the IETF to create a video codec with licensing terms more to IETF’s liking, similar to what was done with Opus for audio – developing in-house gives IETF control.
Virtual connections
Opening DTLS takes time and computing resources. Keeping DTLS alive when IP address changes (e.g. due to change of network interface) has value as it limits media disconnections and saves resources.
Improvements in available bandwidth value calculations.
Clarification that WebRTC does not mandate support for separate BUNDLEs for audio and video.
Improvements to SDP.
Permissions and privacy in WebRTC
Potentially clarifying that notification of long-term permission storage is acceptable.
JSEP updates
Several of those including rtcp-mux controls, SDP processing guidance, handling stopped tracks, number of BUNDLE groups allowed…
FEC for WebRTC
Talks around security related issues when using error correction.
Supporting DMZ TURN “proxies” simultaneously with cloud TURN servers.
RemoveTrack and MSID
Chrome experiments to determine realistic STUN check intervals.
Want to know more about these topics and what went on at the IETF meeting? Make sure to subscribe for updates.
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