As Michael Lewitt mentions in his post, the rich get richer but looking at it from a technology and business standpoint rather than from a financial one we see that those who adapt to globalization, technology cycles and user behavioral changes are at the top of the list. It is true in communications and also in retail. WebRTC is helping global service providers enlarge their cake
Apple Replaced AT&T on the Dow Jones
One symbolic change that happened on March 2015 is the replacement of AT&T by Apple in the DOW Jones Industrial Average leaving Verizon as the only operator represented in the Dow Jones index. This is a symbolic change that reflects the long-term change we see in communications. The shiny days of the operators are history. Even the stock market understands change has come.
WebRTC Usage Numbers are Hard to Quantify
A similar but more complex question arises for WebRTC. WebRTC is a lower level technology than WordPress. WordPress is more of a complete solution than WebRTC. WebRTC has a more permissive license (BSD for both the Google and Ericsson implementations) and there are good reasons to reuse sub-components of it for different purposes.
AT&T Takes Your Identity to the Web
WebRTC API platforms are not new around here. From a high level perspective, most of these API platforms seem to be more of the same. Having said that, some have an unfair advantage. AT&T could have taken the me too approach but they didn’t. They took a different and interesting stab at WebRTC and made use of their unfair advantage, their users and their AT&T identity.